Dlaczego warto używać blachy aluminiowej o wysokim współczynniku odbicia lustrzanego do samochodu cysterny??

po pierwsze, Bezpieczeństwo cysterny ze stopu aluminium o wysokim lustrzanym odbiciu, blacha aluminiowa zapewnia bezpieczeństwo ze względu na swoją wyjątkowość

1. Samochód cysterny z wysokim odbiciem lustrzanym z blachy aluminiowej jest lżejszy;, więc nie jest łatwo przewrócić pojazd, a opona jest mniej zużyta, a bezpieczeństwo jazdy jest dobre.
2. The conductive properties of aluminum alloy materials are good.When a vehicle crashes or tilting, it does not produce a spark, eliminating the fire hazard
3. Corrosion resistance of high reflective mirror aluminum sheet tanker

Second, The aluminum alloy has good corrosion resistance and can form dense alumina coating on its surface to prevent the erosion of atmosphere and moisture

1. The surface of the brush will automatically regenerate the oxide film without rust
2. Due to unnecessary paint, the maintenance costs associated with corrosion can be saved, while the steel tank not only initially needed to be painted, but also maintained regularly during use
3. Don't pollute the oil with rust
4. The aluminum alloy is not corroded, the exterior is bright and clean, beautiful

Thirdly, the reflector cooling purpose

Our grinding technology of high reflective mirror aluminum sheet, the surface is very delicate, very high reflectivity, heat dissipation performance is also improved, especially in the summer or desertification area road tankers effect is remarkable.