Making a mirror with aluminum foil is a fun and simple DIY project that can be done at home. Here are the steps to make a basic aluminum foil mirror:


  • Aluminum foil
  • White glue
  • Scissors
  • A hard, flat surface
  • A piece of cardboard or foam board
  • A ruler
  • Pencil


  1. Cut a piece of cardboard or foam board to the size you want for your mirror.
  2. Lay the cardboard or foam board flat on a hard, flat surface.
  3. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is larger than the cardboard or foam board by about 2 inches on each side.
  4. Smooth out the Mirror Aluminum Foil so that it is flat and without any creases or wrinkles.
  5. Apply a thin layer of white glue evenly to the front of the cardboard or foam board.
  6. Carefully place the aluminum foil on top of the glue, making sure that it covers the entire surface of the cardboard or foam board.
  7. Use a ruler and pencil to mark a line 2 inches from each edge of the cardboard or foam board.
  8. Cut along the lines with scissors, removing the excess aluminum foil.
  9. Smooth out the aluminum foil again to make sure it is flat and without any wrinkles or bubbles.
  10. Allow the glue to dry completely, which may take several hours or overnight.
  11. Once the glue is dry, your aluminum foil mirror is ready to use. Just be aware that it won't be as reflective as a store-bought mirror, but it will still provide a basic reflection.